Monday, October 25, 2010

I disagree with myself

Hey guys!
Just a very very short post to tell you guys that I made a bit of a mistake in the post from yesterday, you know how I said:
Blacks- It's not their choice to be black
Gays- It's not exactly their choice to be gay
Well I think I'm wrong. Gays did chose to be gay, but its part of who they are, like if someone marries someone from Israel or something, and they get an Israeli passport, then they have to accept the consequences of that when they go to Palestine, but its who they chose to be, and they woulnd't change that for the world.
If I just really confused you with that example, then don't worry about it, but I thought you guys deserved to know that I don't agree with what I said.
Ok, now I can go on and stop worrying about this, and I feel like I did something good!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Haven't you ever noticed?

Hey guys! A lot of my friends have been writing posts to raise awareness about gay rights, and being a bit of a follower myself, I have decided not to be left out!

So getting to the point:
Haven't you ever noticed the similarities between the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement?
Blacks- It's not their choice to be black
Gays- Its not exactly their choice to be gay

Blacks- Had to fight for the right of marriage
Gays- Fighting for the right of marriage

Blacks- Not allowed to serve in the military
Gays- Not allowed to serve in the military

Blacks- Ridiculed in school
Gays- Ridiculed in school

I could go on for a while, but I think you get the message.
What happened to racial segregation? It fell apart thanks to public support and many protests. With your help, the same thing will happen to gay rights!
Please help!

Oh, and on a totally different topic, the response to emi's post is still on it's way!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Please help me!

Hey guys!
The other day, I told you guys that I need to change my blog design (well not need, but I really really want to!) And I cant say I'm being drowned in comments...
So yeah, please help me because the creative side of my brain is drinking a cocktail on the beach in Hawaii!
Oh and I am still in the process of writing a response to emi's awards, but don't worry they are coming soon!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Need to Change!

Hey guys, I was looking around your blogs the other day and I started thinking that I need to change my blog, because all of your blog names and designs really represent who you are and what your blog is about, and I feel that mine just doesn't feel right.
So yeah, to get to the point, I need suggestions for a new title or design or something that would make my blog like I am!
Then (not meaning to steal any ides from leyla....) I will ask you guys to vote for the best, and whoever wins not only gets to be my blog design for ever (well quite a while at least) but there is an award for the winner too!

Monday, October 4, 2010

The substance Award!

Hey guys, blogger have been stuffing up on my laptop for a while so I haven't been able o pst anything for lets see... over a month! But don't worry I've been following all your blogs very closely mwahahaha!! (Ok firstly, thats a lame excuse, and secondly what is with the mwahahaha?)
Anyhow... I GOT MY FIRST AWARD! YAY! It give my blog a sense of importance, sadly this one doesn't have one of those image thingymagigs that I can sick on the side of my blog and boast for ever, but anyway its pretty cool (at least I think so).
Thanks emi for passing this on to me, cos I'm not sure that my blog has a lot of substance (whatever that is).
I need to describe my blog in five words so here we go:
Me, Friends, Australia, Randomness, Rambling
Then I need to pass it on to ten blogs, but I'm not sure I know ten blogs, so I'll go as high as I can.
Emi- Elephantistically Emiko/Where is Darwin (which by the way is a city in Australia, so now you know where darwin is!
Loulou- Loulous Lil'bits/Stories snails and some random tales
Majella- Long Live the desire to love
Gaby- Who i'm sure has a blog but I cant seem to find it

And yeah, thats about as far as I'm going to get so yeah, congrats guys for your awards!

I'll be back soon with more! (I hope)

