So as you can probably tell I haven't been posting a lot lately, my last post being more than a month ago. I could think up a billion excuses as to why, but I guess it's (this is gonna sound weird) cos I feel like I have nothing good enough to write about. I started a private blog on tumblr that I have kinda been putting everything on, from pouring my heart out about my dad to some random pics that I love. So that blog has made me realise that maybe I've been going about this blog the wrong way. I think maybe I've always been such a caring person that I've been afraid to just pour my heart out. So yeah, that was my intense little piece of blogging right there, but all I wanted to tell you guys is that I am alive and that I am going to keep my other blog private for a bit, see how I go, but I may give you guys access depending on how I feel.
Also, can I just say to anyone who has been able to pour their heart out on blogger, I admire you. I can't count the number of posts I have written but never had the courage to post.