Saturday, January 1, 2011

What to blog about....

Hey guys!
So as you can probably tell I haven't been posting a lot lately, my last post being more than a month ago. I could think up a billion excuses as to why, but I guess it's (this is gonna sound weird) cos I feel like I have nothing good enough to write about. I started a private blog on tumblr that I have kinda been putting everything on, from pouring my heart out about my dad to some random pics that I love. So that blog has made me realise that maybe I've been going about this blog the wrong way. I think maybe I've always been such a caring person that I've been afraid to just pour my heart out. So yeah, that was my intense little piece of blogging right there, but all I wanted to tell you guys is that I am alive and that I am going to keep my other blog private for a bit, see how I go, but I may give you guys access depending on how I feel.
Also, can I just say to anyone who has been able to pour their heart out on blogger, I admire you. I can't count the number of posts I have written but never had the courage to post.


  1. me?!!! even though i know a lot of it... maybe i could... dunno... be a good friend??!!

  2. You already are an amazing friend! I think it just needs to come from me now to be a bit more open and all...

  3. Well Lara, we all know how much you care! Thats what makes you so easy to talk to and so easy to let you listen!

  4. Good luck with all your blogging endeavours:)

  5. I love your blog x check my blog out xxx please :)


