Saturday, January 1, 2011

What to blog about....

Hey guys!
So as you can probably tell I haven't been posting a lot lately, my last post being more than a month ago. I could think up a billion excuses as to why, but I guess it's (this is gonna sound weird) cos I feel like I have nothing good enough to write about. I started a private blog on tumblr that I have kinda been putting everything on, from pouring my heart out about my dad to some random pics that I love. So that blog has made me realise that maybe I've been going about this blog the wrong way. I think maybe I've always been such a caring person that I've been afraid to just pour my heart out. So yeah, that was my intense little piece of blogging right there, but all I wanted to tell you guys is that I am alive and that I am going to keep my other blog private for a bit, see how I go, but I may give you guys access depending on how I feel.
Also, can I just say to anyone who has been able to pour their heart out on blogger, I admire you. I can't count the number of posts I have written but never had the courage to post.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Versatility Award

Another award! Yay! This is the versatility award and I have no clue of how I deserve this one, but anyway moving on! So here is my mission in four easy steps:
Step 1)
Thank the blogger who gave you the award
Thanks Leyla soooo much for giving me this award, and its green too. Green is a cool color
Step 2)
Share 7 things about yourself
1. I have always wanted to take care of people with disabilities
2. I Love eating Sushi
3. I do rowing as a sport
4. I scored in the top 18% in maths for the country
5. I cannot draw to save my life
6. I have been to 5 continents
7. I never knew I could find so many things about myself!
8. My favourite number is 8, so I though I'd ass this as an extra!

Step 3)
Pass it on to 7 blogs you love! Now im not sure I know seven blogs I love, so I may take a shortcut and only say a few.
Elephantistically Emiko
Loulou's Lil'bits
Fun sized
3 countries, 3 homes, 3 places I miss
Long live the desire to love
Where is darwin?

Ok thats it from me! Now its up to you to make your responses!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Award Response! FINALLY!

Hey Guys!
I have finally taken the time to make the responses to the great awards Emi gave to me, I have been so busy, and its been more than a month, but I just haven't had time, so.....
Over to the important stuff!
Oh and btw, Im not too good with the image uploading thing, so it may look weird but yeah..

The Aussie Award:

I would like to pass this on to two people (and yes that may be breaking some type of rule but I don't care). Those two people are.... Drumroll please....
Leyla- Her blog is basically all about warm fuzziness and cool stuff, so this award fits perfectly
Majella- My friend from australia who is new to blogging, and needs a bit of encouragement, so hopefully this will get you blogging again!
So all you have to do is pass it on to someone, then make a vlog (video blog) about a topic I get to choose, and the topic I chose is explain a cool object you own that makes you different from other people, so it could be a trophee, or just a cool shell you found on a beach. Then Very importantly you need to keep the blog awesome!
So this is what I have done! I was asked to vlog about a day in my life, so I just picked today, pretty average day, but here goes!
(technical problems :S Video soon hopefully but until then, just as a place holder, this is what Emi is all about!)

Thats the end for this award!

Now to the No rain no rainbows award.
I think that everyone I know deserves this award, so here goes:
Leyla- again
Emi- Even though you gave it to me!
Majella- Cos you really help me turn rain into rainbows at school
Gaby- You haven't posted much lately but you're really funny when you do!
Knowing me I may have forgotten a few people, so I may add a few soon!
So all you need to do now is help someone turn a rainy day into a rainbow and blog about it! Then, if possible volunteer at an animal shelter or donate to a charity, or just do something you feel really good about!

I helped my friend jess turn a rainy day into a rainbow a few days ago when she made a big mistake that cost her many of her friends. That night we had a really nice conversation on facebook, and she said that she was smiling for the first time that day. A smile is an up-side-down rainbow so I guess that counts. In australia you aren't legally allowed to volunteer at animal shelters until you are something like 18 so I sponsor a family through microcredit!

Thats it for me today!
Bye guys, I can't wait to see your responses!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Write for your life!

Hey guys!
Those of you who are big fans of Leyla's blog, may remember when a few months back, she posted about NaNoWriMo, which is basically a crazy competition where you have to write a 50,000 word novel in a month.
The gunshot was given on the first of November, and since then, crazy writing fanatics like myself have been going mad, writing whatever comes to mind!
This post isn't really going anywhere, but all I wanted to say, is to all the people who are participating....
My science teacher is about to walk up behind me, so yeah
gotta run!

Monday, October 25, 2010

I disagree with myself

Hey guys!
Just a very very short post to tell you guys that I made a bit of a mistake in the post from yesterday, you know how I said:
Blacks- It's not their choice to be black
Gays- It's not exactly their choice to be gay
Well I think I'm wrong. Gays did chose to be gay, but its part of who they are, like if someone marries someone from Israel or something, and they get an Israeli passport, then they have to accept the consequences of that when they go to Palestine, but its who they chose to be, and they woulnd't change that for the world.
If I just really confused you with that example, then don't worry about it, but I thought you guys deserved to know that I don't agree with what I said.
Ok, now I can go on and stop worrying about this, and I feel like I did something good!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Haven't you ever noticed?

Hey guys! A lot of my friends have been writing posts to raise awareness about gay rights, and being a bit of a follower myself, I have decided not to be left out!

So getting to the point:
Haven't you ever noticed the similarities between the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement?
Blacks- It's not their choice to be black
Gays- Its not exactly their choice to be gay

Blacks- Had to fight for the right of marriage
Gays- Fighting for the right of marriage

Blacks- Not allowed to serve in the military
Gays- Not allowed to serve in the military

Blacks- Ridiculed in school
Gays- Ridiculed in school

I could go on for a while, but I think you get the message.
What happened to racial segregation? It fell apart thanks to public support and many protests. With your help, the same thing will happen to gay rights!
Please help!

Oh, and on a totally different topic, the response to emi's post is still on it's way!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Please help me!

Hey guys!
The other day, I told you guys that I need to change my blog design (well not need, but I really really want to!) And I cant say I'm being drowned in comments...
So yeah, please help me because the creative side of my brain is drinking a cocktail on the beach in Hawaii!
Oh and I am still in the process of writing a response to emi's awards, but don't worry they are coming soon!

